Articles by Lorenzo Ferrari

Incinerator in Sofia, a project gone up in smoke

08/05/2024 -  Lorenzo Ferrari

Tens of millions of Euros of investments, which began over a decade ago: Sofia's waste management strategy was supposed to culminate in the construction of an incinerator. The judiciary put an end to the project, accepting the objections of citizens concerned about its environmental impact

All the world’s regions ignored by our street names

04/01/2024 -  Lorenzo Ferrari

Analysing street names in major European cities, it turns out that people of African and Asian descent are strongly underrepresented. Barely 0.1% of streets commemorate non-white personalities born outside Europe

EU funds: cooperating across borders for better roads, services, prevention

29/09/2023 -  Lorenzo Ferrari

In recent years the EU has supported over 1500 different cross-border and regional development projects ("Interreg") in south-eastern Europe, implemented under cohesion policy. Where were these investments concentrated? An overview

The gender gap in Europe’s street names is here to stay

06/03/2023 -  Lorenzo FerrariAlice Corona

In 30 of Europe's biggest cities, streets named after women make up only 9 per cent of the streets dedicated to individuals. The imbalance has started to narrow in some places, but progress is too slow: at this rate, it would take centuries to really close the gap.

EU: enlargement to the east is back on the agenda

10/03/2022 -  Lorenzo Ferrari

Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova have officially applied to join the European Union. The first reactions have been positive, but it will be a long process: in the meantime, however, the enlargement of the EU could finally get going again, and some novel solutions could be tested

Covid-19 and prisons: painful closures and encouraging innovations

04/02/2022 -  Lorenzo Ferrari

An interview with Alessio Scandurra, director of the European Prison Observatory, to understand the impact of the pandemic on European prisons, in terms of both healthcare and opportunities for inmates.

More trains, fewer emissions

27/10/2021 -  Lorenzo FerrariGianluca De Feo

Currently, trains offer a reasonable alternative to around half of the most popular short-haul flights in Europe. Additional improvements and incentives could bring further reductions in CO2 emissions from transport.

Ranking European regions by Olympics medals

04/08/2021 -  Giorgio ComaiLorenzo Ferrari

What if the Olympic medal table was based on the number of medals won by regions, not by countries? Athletes born in Ile-de-France have been particularly successful so far – but also Western Macedonia, Zagreb and Adriatic Croatia have been doing well

Mapping Diversity: una mappa stradale delle discriminazioni di genere

14/07/2021 -  Ornaldo GjergjiLorenzo Ferrari

L’analisi di OBC Transeuropa e rende evidente la pesante sottorappresentazione delle donne nella toponomastica delle principali città italiane. Il 93% delle strade intitolate a persone sono infatti dedicate a uomini. In progetto l'espansione anche ad altri paesi

Alberto Alemanno: sta nascendo uno spazio politico europeo

08/07/2021 -  Lorenzo Ferrari

La Conferenza sul futuro dell’Europa potrebbe rappresentare una svolta per la partecipazione democratica all’interno dell’Unione europea. Per un anno, l’UE svolge un esercizio di discussione e ascolto dei cittadini ambizioso e innovativo. Un’intervista

More and more trains crossing European borders

29/03/2021 -  Gianluca De FeoLorenzo Ferrari

A dense network of cross-border rail connections cuts through the continent, and it’s set to expand even further in the coming years thanks to new infrastructure and the birth of the European single rail market. However, there are still profound differences between the central and peripheral regions of Europe

Stato di diritto in Europa: perché servono nuovi strumenti

26/11/2020 -  Luisa ChiodiLorenzo Ferrari

L'Unione europea si sta dotando di nuovi meccanismi, sanzioni e rapporti per tutelare lo stato di diritto all'interno dei suoi confini. Questi nuovi strumenti possono rivelarsi efficaci – purché ci sia la volontà politica di renderli davvero tali

Bucharest still has an AIDS problem

17/11/2020 -  Lorenzo Ferrari

Contrary to the trend across Europe, the Romanian capital has seen a drastic increase in AIDS cases in the last decade. The crisis is fueled by the use of synthetic drugs and lack of harm reduction services

Nagorno-Karabakh: la prudenza dell'UE

30/10/2020 -  Lorenzo Ferrari

In questo primo mese di conflitto l'UE ha evitato accuratamente di assumere posizioni politiche significative procedendo lungo una linea di neutralità, che la caratterizza dagli anni Duemila, non senza contraddizioni. Più netto l'atteggiamento contro il sostegno turco all'Azerbaijan

Stato di diritto in Europa: nuovi strumenti in arrivo

28/10/2020 -  Lorenzo Ferrari

Le istituzioni dell'Unione europea stanno mettendo a punto nuovi strumenti per scongiurare derive autoritarie all'interno dell'UE. Il punto più dibattuto è la condizionalità che si porrebbe all'erogazione dei fondi europei. Una panoramica

Climate warming in Europe, municipality by municipality

14/05/2020 -  Lorenzo FerrariOrnaldo Gjergji

In more than 35,000 European municipalities, average temperatures have risen by more than 2°C over the last fifty years. From big cities to small villages, the climate crisis reaches every corner of Europe – but citizens are rising up, and people in power are finally taking action

Europe and the colonial past: the memory that is missing

27/03/2020 -  Lorenzo Ferrari

Although it was a specifically European phenomenon, colonialism continues to be remembered almost only at national level. A resolution by the European Parliament could now help bring it into the European space of ​​memory

COVID-19: dealing with gaps in the data

25/03/2020 -  Lorenzo Ferrari

Since the data available on the coronavirus pandemic is patchy and incomplete, it needs to be approached with caution and an awareness of what it can – and cannot – tell us about the deadly virus

Quanto costa conquistare gli elettori su Facebook

17/06/2019 -  Lorenzo FerrariOrnaldo Gjergji

Nella campagna per le elezioni europee di maggio, i partiti e le istituzioni europee hanno speso più di 23 milioni di euro in post a pagamento. I dati pubblicati da Facebook permettono di vedere quanto è stato speso nei diversi paesi - sud-est Europa compreso - e chi ha investito di più

What’s going on with abstention in Europe?

22/05/2019 -  Lorenzo FerrariJacopo Ottaviani

In the 2014 European elections, only 42.5 percent of people eligible to vote participated. From the economy to migration, by way of defence and climate change, European questions are now central to the public debate however